Monday, January 12, 2009

Introductions and Reveries

With no small degree of trepidation, I'm beginning my first foray into the world of blogging. This being  done in small part to a dear friend of mine who has been studying, among the vast array of things his mind ponders, the seemingly endless ways in which the internet can be used to harness the world we live in. 

But by my own admission, I'm a bit sluggish, and more than a bit churlish, at the thought of changing my old habits. It takes much deliberation and more than a reasonable share of doubt before I act, before I myself able to throw my full weight behind anything. I also wear the badge of 'luddite' perhaps more proudly than I ought. Perhaps it's the soft comfort a book provides me that a flickering screen seems unable to do.

At any rate, my goal with this blog is to give myself a space to write, let thoughts prosper and, naturally, to engage in the shameless self-aggrandizement that comes with with having my own soapbox. (In particular, bits of poetry, and social commentary which at times come screaming out of me with a furor I can barely comprehend.) My interests are somewhat eclectic, but lately, I find myself drawn to questions of finding meaning in an increasingly isolating world, finding one's right place and work, and the ways in which the work we do in the world can be used for the betterment of all people. I find myself particularly drawn to the question of the role of art, and its functions and worth in a society which seems determined to follow a maxim laid out by the CEO of IKEA: "An idea without a pricetag is meaningless." Joy.

That sounds hopelessly pretentious. How about I write about that stuff, but I'll include nifty pictures too? Sound good? Yes? Good.

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